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ATTACKING ZONE - The zone where the opponent's goal is located.

BACK CHECK - Skating back toward your own goal, covering an opponent so they cannot gain an advantageous position.

BACK PASS - A quick pass to a teammate skating behind you, often made without looking.

BLUE LINES - The two blue lines that extend across the ice, 60 feet from each of the goals.

BOARDING - A minor penalty called when a player slams another player into the boards.

BOARDS - The wall around the hockey rink that keeps the puck in play.

BODY CHECK - To hit an opponent with your body, to block him or take him out of a play.

BREAKAWAY - When the offence rushes alone toward the goal to try and score.

BUTT ENDING - A major penalty called when a player hits his opponent with the top of the shaft of his stick.

CENTRE - The centre or middle player in the attacking line.

CENTRE ICE - The neutral area between the two blue lines.

CENTRE LINE - The red stripe that extends across the ice, midway between the two goals.

CHARGING - A minor penalty called when a player takes more than two steps before checking an opponent.

CHECKING - The attempt to cover an opponent to prevent him from getting a better position.

CLEARING THE PUCK  - Getting the puck away from the area near your goal.

CREASE  - A 4' by 8' area in front of each goal, which is out of bounds for attacking players without the puck.

CROSS CHECKING  - A minor penalty called when a player drives the shaft of his stick into an opponent while holding it with both hands.

DEFENCEMEN  - The two players who play in front of the goal, and try to prevent the opposing team from scoring.

DEKE - A deceptive move, or fake, to try and force an opponent out of position.

DROP PASS  - A pass where the player carrying the puck at top speed, suddenly leaves it motionless for a trailing teammate to either shoot, or continue the attack.

ELBOWING - A minor penalty called when a player strikes an opponent with his elbow.

FACE OFF - When the referee drops the puck between two opposing players in order to start or resume a game.

FIGHTING - A major penalty called when players engage in a fistfight.

FLIP PASS - A pass to a teammate, where the puck is lifted slightly off the ice.

FORECHECKING - The act of checking an opponent in their own end in order to prevent them from starting an attack.

FORWARDS - The three attacking players, centre and two forwards, whose job is to score goals.

FREEZING THE PUCK - To pin the puck against the boards with either your skate or stick, in order to have a face off called.

GOAL LINE - The red stripe between the goal posts, and extending to the sideboards.

HIGH STICKING                 - A minor penalty called when a player carries his or her stick above their shoulder, or hits an opponent with it.

HOLDING - A minor penalty called when a player uses his or her hands to hold an opponent or their stick.

HOOKING - A minor penalty called when a player uses the blade of their stick to grab an opponent from behind.

ICING - A violation called when a player shoots the puck from behind the centre line, across the opponent's goal line.

INTERFERENCE - Illegally interfering, or contacting an opponent without the puck.

LINE - The name given to the three forwards who are on the ice together.

MAJOR PENALTY - A five-minute penalty.

MATCH PENALTY - A suspension for the rest of the game.

MINOR PENALTY - A two-minute penalty.

MISCONDUCT PENALTY - A ten-minute penalty against a player. (His team does not play shorthanded during his penalty time).

NEUTRAL ZONE - The area in the centre of the ice, between the two blue lines.

OFFSIDES - A violation called when a player moves ahead of the puck in the attacking zone, resulting in a face off.

PENALTY BOX - The bench outside the playing area where penalized players serve their penalty time.

PENALTY SHOT - A rare play in which a player gets a free shot at goal, with only the goalie defending. It is usually called when a player is hit or tripped from behind during a breakaway.

POKE CHECK - A legal check where a player pokes or jabs with his stick at the puck in order to dislodge it from an offensive player.

POWER PLAY - When a team has a one or two man advantage due to penalties, giving them a good chance to score.

PUCK - The hard rubber disc that the players try and shoot past the goalie for a score.

PUCK SHY - When a player flinches away from the puck.

ROUGHING - A minor penalty called for unnecessary roughness on the ice.

SHIFT - The name for the period of time a particular forward line or defensive pair are on the ice.

SLAP SHOT - A hard shot in which a player takes a high swing before hitting the puck.

SLASHING - A minor penalty called when a player swings his stick at another player.

SPEARING - A major penalty called when a player jabs the blade of his stick at an opponent.

STICKHANDLING - Controlling and moving the puck along the ice.

SWEEP CHECK - A legal check where a player goes down on one knee and sweeps his stick along the surface of the ice in order to gain possession of the puck.

TRIPPING - A minor penalty called when a player pulls down an opponent with his stick, hand or leg.

WING - A forward who lines up near the middle of the rink, and to the side of the centre.

WRIST SHOT - A quick accurate shot made by snapping the wrists as the puck

Guildford Spectrum
Parkway, Guildford
Surrey GU1 1UP

Tel: 01483 452244

Sportfact Ltd t/a Guildford Flames Ice Hockey Club registered in England number 2936656
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